Thursday, September 22, 2011

Our First Smile Spreaders!

Today I got 2 wonderful messages from Smile Spreaders!

Katherine in Burlington, Ontario told us about how she put a post-it note with our website on a gift card and asked the employee working the drive thru to pass it to the person in line behind her. According to Katherine the woman looked shocked and in awe! Katherine waved and drove away.

Brilliant! THIS is what this project is about! And post-it notes! What a wonderful idea! I'll be honest, I totally used this idea tonight!

Good luck little card!

Jacki in Kitchener, Ontario decided to get her kids involved! And balloons! They hit the park and gave balloons to both kids AND adults and asked them to spread a little happy around in return. What an amazing way to get the kids involved Jacki! And thanks for the beautiful pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Loved it. I'll be doing something like that again. My daughter asked, "Why are we doing this, Mommy?" It was simple answer, "Just to make people happy, Sweetie." And she just smiled. The kids had a blast. I let them lead the way. My only guide to them was to avoid the playground, or our happy balloons would turn into sad ones, since there wouldn't have been enough.

    Thanks Jodi for spurring us on to spread some happy. :)
